The city of Shderot in the south of Israel’ has been under missile attack for the past 17 years. During these years different “protective shields” have been developed in order to enable it’s residents to maintain a decent life and to minimize the influence of these attacks on the daily routines.
Giorgio Agamben claims that “the state of emergency” becomes “a space devoid of law” that instigates violence. In my work I am exploring the relationships between the city life to the aesthetics of the shielding that has changed the public domain tremendously. The temporary and improvised became permanent and has altered the relations between the residents and their city. I am investigating the connection between Shderot the development town, that has become a development city to these “protective shields” that where invented as a response to the security situation and turned into another layer in the city.
In this work I am exploring the habits of the residents in their home town and the way in which the concrete and the shielding Infiltrates into the daily routines. This serie examines two types of relationships; that between the residents and their home, and that between the development city, as a symbol, a representation, and the Israeli public domain.
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